You should bring your AI business to Uruguay

There are various reasons you should visit Uruguay for. It has a very nice and uninterrupted peaceful coastline and green plains that stretch far without any mountains in sight.

Uruguay is a capable and future-ready Global Services Platform.

Reading it´s most famed newspaper one comes across titles like "The opportunities to offer global services from Uruguay" and various news abount AI, machine learning and other Data Science related subjects become increasingly popular, day by day. Add to that, Uruguay now has Modern Data Centre Capabilities that allow it´s tech workforce to provide services at scale, and competitive prices.

Fiber optics is available widely, children become tech savvy early due to the Ceibal Project, and the country suffers hardly any natural dissaster, which makes it ideal when matched to it´s high political stability, another thing that makes the country rank nicely on other development indicators.

Also in the last years Uruguay has been relaxing it´s policies to attract businesses and diversify it´s service offerings and making sure careers are open for advanced learning on Data Science.

Uruguay has a highly-skilled workforce. 

Uruguay now ranks amongst the top nations in Artificial Intelligence, 35th worldwide, and 2nd in Latin America, with a population on 3 million, and it´s newly officed government has announced plans to use AI and Data Science to provide better services and protect it´s citizens.

In this last decade Uruguay has also been busy hosting a lot of Artificial Intelligence, BlockChain and Fintech, and Automation startups and businesses like MonkeyLearn, Kona, Neocort and many others.

The time is right, the currency exchange and political climate are favourable to foreign investments, and setting up a company can be a matter of days. Bring your Artificial Intelligence Business to Uruguay.


Uruguay segundo en latinoamerica en inteligencia artificial

Uruguay´s government proposes using AI to protect citizen data

AI related news in Uruguay

Neocort Analytic Services

MonkeyLearn Text Analysis

Kona Uruguayan Innovation

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